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Start selling your study notes online
Start selling your study notes online

Follow these steps to earn passive income from your notes

Yasmine Ebrahimi avatar
Written by Yasmine Ebrahimi
Updated over 3 years ago

Teach Me 2 is partnered with Stuvia to provide trusted study notes to students and help you earn extra passive income while tutoring.

Get started in 2 quick steps:

  1. Sign Up following the step-by-step instructions below

  2. Upload your study notes or summaries that align with any of the South African school or university curriculums. (*uploads must be your own, original work)

Please pay attention to the following steps to ensure your profile is created correctly:

Follow the on-screen prompts shown below to finish your profile. You can register with Stuvia as a Tutor and then choose Teach Me 2 in the drop-down menu.

After this, you will be redirected to the upload screen.

Now you can choose to upload documents.

You’ll be able to upload material and select the course you want to link it with, e.g. “CAPS Mathematics” or "Psychology 1001"

Lastly, set your price and make your notes easy to find.

  • You can use the price calculator to help you

  • Add a few tags to help students easily find your notes (eg if you're uploading notes for a 1st Year Psychology course at the University of Cape Town add tags like: “psychology” “first year” “PSY1001” “university of cape town” “UCT”)

After this, your document will be uploaded and ready to be purchased!

Need some help? Pop us a message on the online chat and we'll be happy to help.

You can also start a start a live-chat with the support team at Stuvia. They can help with technical issues (e.g. Difficulties while uploading notes)!

Extra tips to boost your income from uploaded notes:

  • Adding exam dates for your course/subject will prompt Stuvia to promote your notes to prospective buyers on those dates

  • Sharing your notes to Twitter or Facebook will allow you to reach a larger audience

  • Uploading multiple notes for the same subject or creating quick and easy flashcards will allow you to offer your study aids as a bundle pack, which may make it seem more attractive to buyers!

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