We handle all payment admin for you, so never accept cash from a client.
1. Confirm your banking details
Teach Me 2 only pays you for lessons via bank transfer. It's really important to ensure all your account details are correct otherwise we won't be able to pay you.
2. Confirm your lessons online
Log onto your tutor portal regularly to confirm that you have completed lessons.
When you confirm on the portal that a lesson took place an email will be sent to your client confirming it and if there is an error they will have a chance to dispute it. They don't need to reply unless there is a mistake.
You should also keep track of any time changes you agree with your client by easily updating the time of the lesson on your portal.
3. Complete your learner progress feedback reports
In order to be paid, you are required to complete progress reports for each of the learners you are actively tutoring. If you've completed 3 or more lessons with your learner, please submit feedback before the given payment date. Feedback reports should be submitted monthly to keep learners and their parents up-to-date and motivated by progress updates.
Submitting regular feedback increases the chances of improving your tutor rating.
NB: Please ensure your address is correct on your profile as we require this for payment to go ahead.